Back to my home country

It is not always easy to come back home after living abroad. Even though you are excited to meet your relatives and friends, this is a moment of turbulence since you are leaving behind the most incredible experience you have had. Often, we create a life in the new place, meeting friends who become our family, getting a new job, finding new hobbies. Sometimes we even change a bit our personality, because we depending on being nicer and stronger to survive. Although you might enjoy the weather in the new place, you probably are not used to, and this also changes how you react to any situation. In the end, you have become a different person, with new habits and opinions, but, suddenly you are back to the past.

You are home again where a new version of yourself has to interact with old memories and attitudes. Nobody can run away from this shock, after all. You are feeling confused with all the old behaviors as a response to the old actions. So, what to do if you have got different habits? How to fill them in the shabby place? There is no magic recipe, the adaptation will be necessary again. But I would say the adaptation is easier when you are moving to a completely different space than when you are going back to an old one. I know the former place is comfortable therefore should be simple to fit yourself there, but it is not. 

It becomes harder because usually we got transformed from the experience, and, most of us, meet a better version of ourselves, incompatible with the person we used to be. We have changed our perfume, which might be more expensive in your home country. We will probably have to work more to get the same amount of money. You will not find the new flavor of your international favorite drink. And the annoying thing is that those details together are responsible for making you distinct. If the circumstances that changed you are not there anymore, are you really different still?

This confused point is exactly what makes this readaptation also exciting. We have to be able to show who we are now without denying who we used to be. And most people around do not accept the transformation. They don`t want to hear the things we miss, the opportunities we have enjoyed, and all the stuff we became better at because they can not visualize all these references, after all. So, it is all on you. It is the moment we have to face the transitions to understand how deep they were. Are you going to let the former environment stuck you? Or will we be able to use the old place to transform us into a better and third version ourselves? 


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